CAT Videos & Resources
What Would Noah Read?
Check out the video of the Climate Action Team offering a lightning-fast, fun review of a half-dozen climate change books. Special guest reviewer Jim Keck and the CAT highlighted books looking at climate change from various perspectives, including human behavior, solutions, economics, justice, and of course, faith! There was even a climate fiction book. See the complete list of books with authors.
Power Up!: A two-part series on electricity at the utility and home levels
Here is some advice about solar power from LES.
Energize! PART 1
Presented by Dr. Michael Wysession
Part 2
Presented by Marc Shkolnick, Energy Services Manager, Lincoln Electric Service
Rev. Dr. Brooks Berndt, author of Cathedral on Fire: A church handbook for the climate crisis, talking about why climate change is an imperative for people of faith.
Recorded Feb 24, 2021
Rev. Tremaine Combs, discussing climate change impacts on minority and low-income communities.
Recorded Mar 3, 2021
Norfolk Mayor Josh Moenning, highlighting the benefits of wind and solar energy.
Recorded Mar 10, 2021
Lincoln Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird and Miki Esposito, Senior Policy Advisor, discussing the Lincoln Climate Action Plan.
Recorded Mar 17, 2021
Climate Change Science and the Spiritual Imperative to Act: Hear UMC Pastor David Lux on responding to climate change as people of faith. Then, UNL Professor Emeritus Don Wilhite explains the basics of climate change science (beginning at 0:13:13). Q&A both speakers (beginning at 1:05:0).
Recorded Oct 29, 2020.
Effective Advocacy Basics: Learn how to advocate on important issues by communicating with elected/appointed officials, providing testimony, and using traditional and social media. Three experienced advocates, Lucas Sabalka, Kat Woerner and Ken Haar share their best tips.
Recorded Nov 5, 2020.
Climate Change: Faith, Conversation, Science
Climate Change: Why We Must Care and What We Can Say