Children, Youth & Family Ministry

Sunday Mornings: 10:30

6th-12th Grade Meet in the Youth Room for Bible Study and Fellowship

Middle School Youth Group

Wednesdays at 6:15-7:30 in the Gym: Meet for connection, growth, and service projects.


8th Grade Confirmation is  a crash course in Faith basics and service projects to confirm their baptismal vows and to better understand their faith and First-Plymouth

5:30-6:15 in Mayflower Hall

High School Youth Group

Sundays 5:30-7:30 (Dinner Included)

“9th-12th graders Connect. Grow. Serve. Together Studying a range of topics and growing in community. “

Become a Youth Mentor

Youth Programs are all thanks to Volunteers and those willing to invest in the life of young First-Plymouth.  Mentors and volunteers are always needed! Email for more information.

Children, Youth, & Family Ministry Staff

Shelby Swartz | Director of Children & Family Ministries


Tori Malizzi | Director of Youth Ministries


Roshan Eghdami | CYFM Administrative Assistant