Stories and Rhymes for Difficult Times: The Hidden Treasure of Emotional Resilience
Within us all lies the power to adapt to, cope with and grow from the stress and adversity that surrounds our lives. The challenge is locating this hidden treasure so that we can put it to work. In this presentation, retired Psychologist Dr. Jerry Bockoven, will describe ways to bolster emotional resilience. Utilizing humor, teaching stories and poetic excerpts from his recently published book “What Rhymes with Therapy”, Dr. Bockoven will address specific ways to manage anxiety, depression, grief and anger from a position of strength. Following the presentation, signed copies of Dr. Bockoven’s book will be available for purchase.
Contact addie@firstplymouth.org for more information.
Jerry Bockoven is a native of Lincoln, Nebraska and a lifelong Huskers fan (even when they are losing). Holding a master’s degree in divinity and a Ph.D. in counseling psychology from the University of Oregon, he has worked as a parish minister, leadership consultant, public speaker and non-profit administrator. He was the chair of the psychology department at Nebraska Wesleyan University from 2002-2011 and currently holds the title of Professor Emeritus of Psychology. In addition, his work as a psychologist has spanned 30 plus years during which time he conducted therapy with individuals, couples and families addressing a wide variety of relational and emotional challenges. Prior to his retirement in 2020, he worked exclusively with veteran’s issues at the VA in Lincoln. He has published several academic articles and has recently completed his first book entitled “What Rhymes with Therapy.”
In his spare time, Dr. Bockoven enjoys spending time with his family and friends, traveling, playing guitar, doing close-up magic, and surviving Midwest winters.

“A Year of Biblical Womanhood”
Women’s Circle 3 Book Study
“A Year of Biblical Womanhood”
by New York Times bestselling author Rachel Held Evans
2nd Wednesday monthly (Sept 11-May 14), 10:00-11:30am, Pilgrim Hall
In A Year of Biblical Womanhood, Evans shares her courageous and often humorous journey of exploring what a “woman’s place” is according to the Scriptures and applying the Bible’s teachings to day-to-day life, sometimes to literal extremes. Books available for suggested $12 at the first meeting. For more info. email kj@firstplymouth.org.

Land Acknowledgements: the Good, the Bad, and the Better with Rev. Stephanie Perdew
Many UCC churches are considering writing Land Acknowledgements as statements of confession regarding Native history and intended repair with Native communities. But often, Land Acknowledgements do more harm than good. Join Rev. Stephanie Perdew, PhD, citizen of the Cherokee Nation and Director of the Damascus Project shared theological education ministry of the Wisconsin and Minnesota Conferences UCC for a presentation on best practices and things to avoid.
Participants are invited to read her article, “On Native Land” in preparation for the evening: https://www.christiancentury.org/article/features/native-land.
Sponsored by the First-Plymouth Indigenous Working Group

“A Year of Biblical Womanhood”
Women’s Circle 3 Book Study
“A Year of Biblical Womanhood”
by New York Times bestselling author Rachel Held Evans
2nd Wednesday monthly (Sept 11-May 14), 10:00-11:30am, Pilgrim Hall
In A Year of Biblical Womanhood, Evans shares her courageous and often humorous journey of exploring what a “woman’s place” is according to the Scriptures and applying the Bible’s teachings to day-to-day life, sometimes to literal extremes. Books available for suggested $12 at the first meeting. For more info. email kj@firstplymouth.org.

Finding Joy in These Days
Sermon Series with Dr. Jim Keck and Rev. Juan Carlos Huertas
September 15, 22 & 29, at all services
In inglés, Alegria means “a joyful delight.” Join Dr. Jim Keck and Pastor Juan Carlos Huertas as they explore joy in scripture, life and faith.

First-Plymouth Presents: Brass Tacks
Pastors Jim Keck and Juan Carlos Huertas will each explain their basic theological viewpoint. That is, they will get down to the brass tacks!
Sunday, September 22, 6:00pm (Doors open at 5:00pm)
Screamers Family Restaurant (803 Q St) Live Music from the Screamers Singers
Grab a soda, beer, or even dinner (available for purchase).
Parking garage located directly across the street.

Finding Joy in These Days
Sermon Series with Dr. Jim Keck and Rev. Juan Carlos Huertas
September 15, 22 & 29, at all services
In inglés, Alegria means “a joyful delight.” Join Dr. Jim Keck and Pastor Juan Carlos Huertas as they explore joy in scripture, life and faith.

Abendmusik Season 2024-2025 Preview
Sunday, September 15, 11:30am-Noon, Mayflower Hall
Presented by Tom Trenney, Minister of Music
Learn about the programming for Abendmusik’s 2024-25 concert season as we prepare for another year of music that inspires.

Finding Joy in These Days
Sermon Series with Dr. Jim Keck and Rev. Juan Carlos Huertas
September 15, 22 & 29, at all services
In inglés, Alegria means “a joyful delight.” Join Dr. Jim Keck and Pastor Juan Carlos Huertas as they explore joy in scripture, life and faith.

“A Year of Biblical Womanhood”
Women’s Circle 3 Book Study
“A Year of Biblical Womanhood”
by New York Times bestselling author Rachel Held Evans
2nd Wednesday monthly (Sept 11-May 14), 10:00-11:30am, Pilgrim Hall
In A Year of Biblical Womanhood, Evans shares her courageous and often humorous journey of exploring what a “woman’s place” is according to the Scriptures and applying the Bible’s teachings to day-to-day life, sometimes to literal extremes. Books available for suggested $12 at the first meeting. For more info. email kj@firstplymouth.org.

QPR, Suicide Prevention Workshop for Adults and Teens
QPR stands for Question, Persuade, Refer — three simple steps anyone can learn to save a life from suicide. QPR trains people to recognize warning signs of a suicide crisis, then to question, persuade and refer someone for help. The free, 90-minute program is sponsored by Region V Systems and First-Plymouth’s Faith in Recovery team. No registration needed.

Pet Memorial Service
Sunday, September 8, 1:00pm, in the Chapel.
A service of prayer, poems and sharing.
Share photos if you wish. Sponsored by the FP Animal Ministry.

Electronics Recycling
September 8, 8:30am-Noon, East parking lot (21st & D)
As you clean out your closets and garages, save any old or broken electronics to safely recycle (no TVs). Sponsored by the FP Sustainable Living Ministry.

Children’s Choir (K-5) Kick-off Pizza Party
Children’s Choir (K-5) Kick-off Pizza Party: Sept. 4, 6:00-7:00pm.
Pilgrim Hall. Kids and parents welcome!

Children's Choir Pizza Party
Children’s Choir (K-5) Kick-off Pizza Party: Sept. 4, 6:00-7:00pm.
Pilgrim Hall. Kids and parents welcome!

We are Still Here: Native Americans and the UCC Online Zoom Series
Tuesdays July 9, August 6 and August 27, 9:30-11:00am. Led by Rev. Stephanie Perdew, PhD via Zoom
Sponsored by the FP Indigenous Working Group
Join Rev. Stephanie Perdew, PhD, tribal citizen of the Cherokee Nation, ordained UCC minister, and Director of the Damascus Project shared theological education ministry of the Wisconsin and Minnesota Conferences, UCC, for three online learning sessions covering Native history and its intersection with the UCC. Topics include the Doctrine of Discovery; tribal boarding schools, and statements of the UCC General Synod. We will spend some time considering actions and relationships of accompaniment, allyship, and repair. To register please contact: addie@firstplymouth.org.

FP Presents: Saving Democracy?
Pastors Jim and Juan Carlos discuss a path forward
Sunday, August 25, 6:00pm (Doors open at 5:00pm)
Screamers Family Restaurant (803 Q St. Live Music from the Screamers Singers. Grab a soda, beer, or dinner (available for purchase). Parking garage located across the street.

Summer Drop-In Choir
Join the Summer Drop-in Choir!
open to all youth and adults, every Sunday of August.
Meet in the choir room at 9:45am and sing for the 10:30am service.
No robes, no rehearsals, no reservations, no requisites, etc. Open to all!
Questions? Contact tom@firstplymouth.org

Grape Expectations Church Social
A great way to meet others who attend FP! August 24, 6:30-8:30pm at the home of Sheila & Wynn Mehlhaff. RSVP to Osheme2741@gmail.com. All are welcome!

Zoom: Not Your Ordinary Bible Study
Not Your Ordinary Bible Study with Dr. Keck
A spiritual adventure using the Bible to launch the imagination and catapult us into far-ranging topics of real interest.

Young Adults Under 30’s Group Game Night
Any and all young adults are welcome to the second gathering of board games and community. August 22, 6:30pm at the Telegraph Mill -330 S 21st St. RSVP to tori@firstplymouth.org

Confirmation Info Meeting (Zoom)
Are you interested in learning more about our confirmation program? Join us for an informational meeting where potential students and mentors can get a general overview, ask questions, and learn about the confirmation process.
Email tori@firstplymouth.org for more information.

Summer Drop-In Choir
Join the Summer Drop-in Choir!
open to all youth and adults, every Sunday of August.
Meet in the choir room at 9:45am and sing for the 10:30am service.
No robes, no rehearsals, no reservations, no requisites, etc. Open to all!
Questions? Contact tom@firstplymouth.org

Plymouth Pride Movie Night
Open to all LGBTQIA+ and allies
Fri. August 16, 6:30pm, Mayflower Hall. Movie: We Live Here: The Midwest, a documentary about LGBTQ+ life and challenges in the Midwest. RSVP to FirstPlymouthPride@gmail.com.

Grief Support
Wednesday August 14, 6:00-7:30pm, Tower Room. Led by Lisa Borchardt, LCSW. Free, but register with addie@firstplymouth.org.

Theology on Tap
New Summer Series! Pastor JC’s Favorite Biblical Short Stories
The Mill @ Innovation Campus (2021 Transformation Dr)
One of Pastor JC’s favorite genres of literature is the short story. Join him this summer as he discusses three of his favorite short stories in the Bible: Ruth, Esther, and Jonah. In each of them there’s much to learn about ourselves, about our religious tradition, and maybe a little something about divine life.

Pine Ridge Trip Information Meeting
Adult Service Trip Opportunity to Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Sept 14-20 (open to adults 18+). Volunteers visit locations of significance around the reservation, engage with local artisans and cultural presenters, attend local events such as Pow Wows, and work on various construction projects. Approx. $744 per person (covers travel, food, lodging, the work, and learning).
Learn more at the Trip Information Night: Sunday, August 11, 5:00pm, Otis Young Room. RSVP to nancygreen19@gmail.com

Rev. Dr. Karla Cooper
Guest Preaching at First-Plymouth Sunday, August 11, 11:59am
The Reverend Karla J. Cooper, EdD, ordained an Itinerant Elder of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, has been active in pastoral ministry for more than 20 years. Most recently she was the pastor at Allen Chapel-St. John AME Church in Kansas City, Missouri. She is currently associate professor of practice in the College of Education at Doane University. She is also adjunct faculty with Nebraska Wesleyan University in the Department of Sociology. She is a graduate of Eden Theological Seminary where she received a Master’s of Divinity. She is a graduate of Southeast Missouri State University where she received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Mass Communication. She holds a Doctorate in Education (EdD) from Doane University.

Summer Drop-In Choir
Join the Summer Drop-in Choir!
open to all youth and adults, every Sunday of August.
Meet in the choir room at 9:45am and sing for the 10:30am service.
No robes, no rehearsals, no reservations, no requisites, etc. Open to all!
Questions? Contact tom@firstplymouth.org