Celebrate God’s Trees
Tree Sabbath Worship Ideas
Hymns, Anthems, Songs:
All Creatures of Our God and King
All Things Bright and Beautiful
For the Beauty of the Earth
How Great Thou Art
You Shall Go Out in Joy (the trees will clap their hands)
Think of a World Without any Flowers
Birch Tree or Little Birch Tree
Bristlecone Pine (Jim Salestrom)
King of Trees (Cat Stevens)
Scripture Passages
Genesis 1:12, trees with seed-bearing fruit, and it was good!
Genesis 2:15-17. There are trees in the garden, including the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Most of the fruit, but not all, is good to eat.
Genesis 8:11 Noah and the olive leaf
Psalm 1, be like a tree planted by streams of water.
Exodus 3, the burning bush
Psalm 92:12-14, “the righteous flourish like the palm tree….”
Joshua 24:26, the oak in the sanctuary of the Lord
Psalm 52:8, “I am like a green olive tree . . . trusting in the steadfast love of God.”
Isaiah 41:19-20, the Holy One of Israel creating different kinds of trees
Deuteronomy 20:19, don’t cut down the trees, even if you’re attacking the city
Isaiah 55:12, trees of the field will clap their hands
Luke 19:1-4, Zacchaeus and the sycamore tree
Luke 22:39, Mount of Olives
Matthew 13:31-32, mustard seed becomes tree, birds come to its branches
Revelation 22:2-3, tree of life, bearing 12 crops of fruit, the leaves bring healing
Romans 11:24, being grafted into cultivated olive trees
Various Faith Traditions on Caring for the Earth
Multi-Faith Coalitions & Denominational Programs
Faith and Climate Coalitions
Center for Spirituality in Nature
Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life
Faith and Climate Toolkits
Faith and Climate Certification/Covenant Programs
Interfaith Power and Light Cool Congregations
Lutheran (ELCA) Covenant creation
Presbyterian PC(USA) Earth Care Congregations
Unitarian Universalist Green Sanctuary
United Church of Christ Creation Justice Congregations
Episcopal Covenant to Care of Creation
Other resources and links
The Jewish Tree Sabbath - chabad.org - Tu Bishvat, The New Year for Trees - January 17, 2022
The book Finding the Mother Tree: Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest provides learning for a tremendous metaphor for life and community. The great forests provide community, communication with each other, diversity, compassion, and life-saving ways of being alive, amazing insights.
The book The Future We Choose is an outstanding climate action book, with one chapter specifically about trees. It emphasizes that our future depends upon the choices we make, kind of like the Bible does.