General Requirements and Information
Those who purchase a niche in the First-Plymouth Church columbarium agree to abide by the following required guidelines:
Urns used for the ashes will be constructed of metal.
The full name of the deceased with the dates of birth and death will be engraved on the face of the urn. The engraved urn will be delivered to First-Plymouth Church for placement in the niche. Cost of the urn and engraving thereon, will be borne by the family of the deceased or his or her estate.
The cost of engraving the name and dates of birth and death on the stone which seals the niche will be borne by the family of the deceased or his or her estate. This cost will be paid at the time of signing the contract. The cost will be $250.00 per name. The inscription on the stone will be limited to the name and date of birth and death of the deceased. The engraved stone is placed on the day when the urn is placed in the niche.
Two small urns may be placed in one niche. The inside dimensions need to be 8 3/8” wide by 12” deep by 11” high. Your funeral director can help you chose a style that will fit inside the niche if you plan to have two urns placed inside it.
There is a lead time of two weeks to get a niche engraved for placement. Placement can be done year round weather permitting.
Please note: Flowers left in the columbarium will be periodically removed as necessary for appearance and safety reasons. Only cut or silk flowers are allowed—no potted plants or other objects.
We cannot be responsible for stolen or damaged items left in the columbarium garden area.
One person $2,750
$2,000 donation to First Plymouth
$500 cost of the niche
$250 engraving
Two people - $3,000
$2,000 donation to First Plymouth
$500 cost of the niche
$500 engraving
If you or your family is interested in learning more about the Columbarium at First-Plymouth, please contact Julie MacDonald at 402-476-7565 or by email at julie@firstplymouth.org