CYF Serves

We want our children, youth and families to put hands and feet to what they are learning. We strive to create opportunities for faith to be put into action as we engage the world around us. Our goal is to serve the church’s neighborhood and partner with other organizations to meet the needs of our community.

Serving Opportunities:


Matt Talbot
Each month we provide, prepare and serve the dinner meal at Matt Talbot on the Second Saturday.  Throughout the year we schedule confirmation students, MSYG, HSYG, Families and our board to serve in this important mission.

Urban Plunge
Our confirmation class participates in a weekend of serving as part of the confirmation process.  They serve in multiple ways and through multiple agencies in the Lincoln community.  They sleep outside in our courtyard and they reflect on the needs of our community and what it means to be a person of faith in the world today.

MSYG Service Trip
In the summer we invite our 6th-8th graders to go on a weekend service trip to a community within approximately 3 hours of Lincoln.  This is a great way for them to reach beyond their comfort zones to build relationships with their peers, see another community and the needs they are facing and to learn what it means to share their own gifts and talents with our world.

HSYG Service Trip
Each summer our high school youth will have the opportunity to travel to another part of our country or world to engage in a week of serving others.  Whether it is the Pine Ridge Reservation, Guatemala, or somewhere else- our hope is that by leaving our everyday life behind we will be able to turn our attention to the ways in which God is calling us to love and serve our neighbors.  This is a great way for high school youth to grow in such amazing ways.  

Other Serving Opportunities
Watch for other ways you and your family can get involved in mission work through First-Plymouth's Children, Youth & Family Ministry.