We The People

First-Plymouth is blessed to have members across a wide red and blue spectrum of political opinions. It is also important to hold serious, and civil conversations, that respectfully include that diversity. Here is an important opportunity for strengthening the ties that bind us together as a nation.

An invitation for you to share your thoughts, opinions and suggestions on how to help strengthen our democracy.

Worried that the foundation of our democracy has a few cracks? That the roof has sprung a few leaks? That the walls have been weakened by a flood of distortions, distrust, disinformation, finger-pointing, name-calling and a torrent of toxic, hateful language?

If so, this is an invitation to participate in a thoughtful and respectful discussion on the future of America and American Democracy. So please join us to help shore up our house, to share all of your important thoughts and sincere suggestions in a public discussion to help strengthen our house – the same house a famous American once said cannot stand if it is divided. 

Brian Bresnahan
Agronomist, Veteran

State Senator
Danielle Conrad

The Rev. Jim Keck

Former State Senator
Laura Ebke


Moderated by Charlyne Berens

SUNDAY NOV. 10, 2 P.M.

First-Plymouth Congregational Church

Childcare available during the program.

 “This is a great idea. Every city should be doing something like this.”

– Chuck Hagel, Former Nebraska U.S. Senator and U.S. Secretary of Defense