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Compline & Yoga

Yoga: 6:00-6:45pm, Chapel. Led by instructor

Maggie Pleskac, Milkweed Yoga. Bring your own yoga mat. This series will yoke the physical and mental body as a spiritual practice through yoga and worship. Through breath and movement, we are brought to a place of stillness at the center of our being, the place that connects us with the Divine within.

Compline Worship 7:00-7:30pm, Sanctuary

Following yoga, all are invited to gather in the church sanctuary to experience deep inner peace through Compline. No words are spoken, and participants are given an opportunity to light a candle as a personal act of prayer. Chanting of ancient music by the Schola Cantorum choir provide the only sound during this half-hour service.

June 11

Reverend Dr. Neil Thomas Comes to First-Plymouth

June 12

After the Amen: Sermon Talk-Back with Dr. Keck