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The joy of Gospel music contains a deep call for justice and liberation. Join us for a dynamic two-part worship series called GOSPEL featuring the gospel music of the FP South band and Plymouth Choir under the direction of Ariel Merivil and Tom Trenney.

The word “gospel” is a central word with multiple meanings in our tradition. It translates into English as “good news” and can refer to the entire teaching and revelation of Christ. It can also refer specifically to one of the first four books of the New Testament. Additionally, it can be used colloquially to refer to a set of principles and beliefs, or a thing that is absolutely true (gospel truth). And gospel can also be used to mean a “fervent style of black American evangelical religious singing,” developed from spirituals sung in Baptist and Pentecostal Churches.

This series will harken to all those meanings as we celebrate the teachings of Christ and sing fervently in hopes of full justice and peace among all peoples. The Gospel Series will continue at Sunday 9:15am FP South services, September 4-25th.

Justice and joy, love and uplift, inclusion and peace created by a communal worship experience open to all.

August 26

Salt Dogs Game

September 8

QPR-Suicide Prevention Training