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The Politics and History of American Civil Religion

Wed. Nov. 2, 9, 16 & 30, 5:45-6:45pm, Pilgrim Hall.

Led by Dr. Jonathon Redding, Assistant Professor of Religion, Neb. Wesleyan University.

Many Americans love to talk about America having a “separation of church and state” to justify certain ends. On the surface, the separation exists: there is no official national religion, and religious discrimination is forbidden by the First Amendment to the American Constitution. The reality is quite different, as what scholars call American Civil Religion weighs heavily on issues like American morality, legality, justice, and equality. Explore ideas like religious freedom, religious choice, and whether this hypothetical separation of Church and State is real or a pipe dream. Consider the theologies behind the dominant streams of American Christianity to understand how political and religious leaders use their particular understanding of theology for political, social, and economic gain.

November 29

Advent Hymns

November 30

Advent with our Christian and Jewish Neighbors