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Theology On Tap

Deconstructing & Reconstructing Our Faith: Our journey of faith takes many twists and turns but for many of us our beginning point was in a tradition that did not want questions, that had all the answers, and was not open and affirming of all persons. Being part of these Christian traditions leave many of us wounded and wondering if there is a different way of being Christian. Even when we find a different way we wonder how we reconcile the way we were taught to believe with this new found freedom.

Join Pastor JC – himself a survivor of a more conservative Christian tradition – as we walks us through four key themes in our deconstructing – Authority, the Bible, Salvation, and the End of Time - so that we can reconstruct our life of faith. Freedom, grace, and joy in this new season of our lives in God!

January 22

February 19

March 18

April 15

The Mill Innovation Campus )2021 Transformation Dr)

January 21

FP Presents: The Bible & The News

January 24

The Gospels: Who, What, When, and Why