First-Plymouth South

Sundays @ 9:30am

Located @Roper and Son's South Chapel, 3950 Hohensee Dr (S. 40th & Yankee Hill)

  • WHAT: A casual service but deeply Christian with scripture, prayer, singing and joy. The service will feel like a fusion of our other FP services at the main site but in a smaller setting.

  • WHO'S PREACHING: Dr. Jim Keck and Rev. Juan Carlos Huertas will alternate Sundays preaching.

  • CHILDREN'S MINISTRY: We will also have a Sunday school experience for the kids. They will start with us and then head to an adjacent room for their own “Bible and Fun” time.

  • COFFEE & FELLOWSHIP: Following the service

  • PLUS+ Accessible entrance & easy parking

This will be a perfect service to invite a friend to - super easy and meaningful. All of the spiritual, positive and inclusive DNA of First-Plymouth will be manifest. See you there!