Board of Christian Outreach | JustNeighbors Ministry
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
The Board of Christian Outreach provides service opportunities to First-Plymouth members and friends through education, experience and support to local, national and global missions which reach out and minister to all people; the lonely, oppressed, afraid, sick, hungry, and homeless, while seeking to emulate Christ’s work in the world.
The Board of Christian Outreach continued to align with the mission of loving God and neighbor. We set intentions to be inclusive, representative and be in solidarity with those in need. We allocated funds to uplift many organizations who strive to support our nearby community in their unique ways, such as Women In Community Service, Mental Health Association, scholarships to Dimensions, FPC Pine Ridge service trips, Matt Talbot, Lincoln Food Bank, Friendship Home, FPC benevolence fund, refugee resettlement and many, many more. Beyond our local home we also support international programs like the Zambia Water Project and Bread for the World.
Specific collections were taken for the Spring and Christmas giving tree where the congregation at large donated thousands of dollars worth of items needed at WICS, MHA, The Malone Center, and Saratoga Community Learning Center. We spread love through feeding the hungry by organizing the Free Little Pantry, which may look perpetually empty but demonstrates the need as groceries are taken by our next door neighbors within mere minutes. In the year ahead we look forward to coming alongside Just Neighbors in continuing to aid with economic justice and providing hope.
For more information about the Board of Christian Outreach or to get on the JustNeighbors Email list to receive information on volunteer and outreach opportunities, email juan@firstplymouth.org. Or visit the Outreach table on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month between morning services.