Congregational Care Connection

Connecting  our Congregation through Care & Compassion

We have Congregational Care Ministers (CCM’s) willing to support and encourage our congregation. They are lay ministers trained to be on the following teams.

  • Hospital Ministry Team

  • Home Visit  Ministry Team

  • Assisted Living or Skilled Nursing Ministry Team

  • Grief Support Ministry Team

  • Medical Transportation Ministry Team

  • Phone Connection Ministry Team

If you, or someone you know could use a friendly visit or phone call from one of our CCM’s, please let us know.  If you, or someone you know goes into the hospital or rehabilitation and would like someone to visit, please let us know.  You may click on the Care Connection blue button on our website and fill out a request. Or email Pastor KJ Langlais at or call the church office at 402-476-7565.

If you would be interested in becoming a Congregational Care Minister at First Plymouth, please contact Pastor KJ Langlais at