Plymouth Pride
Plymouth Pride Fellowship is a gathering of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or questioning (LGBTQ) community members and their friends, in the midst of a loving inclusive spiritual family at First-Plymouth Church. The group, interested guests, and allies meet for programs of interest and special events. The Fellowship is inclusive of a diversity of persons and ideas. Church membership is not required.
Contact Info:
For more information or to be added to the group email list, email addie@firstplymouth.org
LGBTQIA+ Grief Group
A new group forming for anyone who identifies as part of the LGBTQIA+ community. FP acknowledges the joys and extra life losses that are part of living in this minority community, and wants to provide a safe space for individuals to learn about grief, share about loss based on their lived experiences, and healthy coping.This is a grief group facilitated by Lisa Borchardt, LCSW, that will begin meeting the 4th Sunday of each month from 10:45-11:45am with the intention of sitting together (after the group) at the 11:59 service to begin building community. This educational support group will break for summer, and will resume Fall 2023. For more information email addie@firstplymouth.org.