Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction is conversation with a Spiritual Director about anything in your life in which the two of you look for where God’s fingerprints may be seen. Talking freely in a safe space, and being listened to by an open and compassionate listener can help you put into words hopes, fears, questions, longings, doubts, disbeliefs, convictions, that you have not expressed before. You may find yourself speaking from a deeper level of your being. Although the center of the conversation is your relationship with the Holy that infuses all existence, whom some call God and others leave un-named, that relationship may be talked about explicitly or left implicit. Whatever you choose to talk about it is all completely confidential.
Spiritual Direction can be a one-time meeting or an on-going series of meetings, whose frequency depends on your needs.
The Spiritual Director, a deeply-grounded individual alert to the movement of the Holy in a person’s life, may gently ask questions to help you clarify your thinking, or to go deeper, or may offer a perspective drawn from the collective wisdom of spiritual teachers through the ages.
The Spiritual Director can help you notice, savor and respond to the whispers, nudges and beckonings of the Holy in all aspects of your life: home, work, family, leisure, money, sex, health, prayer, church, community.
The Rev. Kathryn Campbell, Minister of Spiritual Direction, is a former Associate Minister at First-Plymouth, who rejoined the staff to do Spiritual Direction after a few years of retirement. She is married, has three children and five grand-children. Contact Kathryn.
Jeanne Johnson, Spiritual Director, is a Licensed Minister in the United Church of Christ having completed Education for Lay Ministry (ELM). She is married and has one adult daughter. Contact Jeanne.
If you would be more comfortable meeting with a man we can refer you to male Spiritual Directors in the area.
Spiritual Direction is particularly appropriate
when a person senses an invitation to deepen their spiritual life and draw closer to the Divine Source;
in the process of discovering your true self and your mission in life;
when you are disturbed by the injustice, cruelty and destruction in the world and wonder how you are meant to respond;
during a dry period when prayer has become routine and God seems distant.
Back Story on Spiritual Directors
Traditionally a person chose a Spiritual Director by going to a person they sensed could help them grow in their spiritual life - one who had walked the path and knew the terrain. The very first spiritual directors were the Desert Fathers and Mothers who, in the early centuries of Christianity, withdrew to the desert to live a life of simplicity and prayer. Others sought them out for their wisdom.
Today many people who are drawn to a spiritually-centered life are trained in Spiritual Direction by others experienced in that ministry. Kathryn received training in Spiritual Direction at the Shalem Institute of Spiritual Formation in Washington, DC. Jeanne trained at Creighton University’s program in spiritual direction with its emphasis on Ignatian spirituality. The term “spiritual director” honors our continuity with the past, although “companion”, “mentor” and “guide” are more accurate terms for this ministry today. In Spiritual Direction sessions we are listening together for the Direction of the Spirit.