Wednesday Night Live
In the midst of your busy week, join us to refuel your body, mind and spirit with a variety of children, youth and adult programs
Faith Basics: Wednesday Worship 6:00-6:15pm
5 minute sermons on basic elements of our faith—like a super short Christianity 101
Wednesday Night Live Schedule
Dinner - by Chef au Chef in Pilgrim Hall, Freewill donation. As supplies last.
Art Club - Calvert Parlor
Middle & High School Check-in (Youth Room) with open gym.
High School Homework Room (Tower Room)
8th grade Confirmation (Mayflower Hall)
FAITH BASICS Family Worship (Multi-Generational) Sanctuary
Adult Programs & Classes
FP Littles (0-5 years)
FP Kids Programming (K-5th)
(K-2nd grade choir/music & 3rd-5th FP Kids Studio)
3rd-5th grade choir/music & K-2nd FP Kids Studio
Adult Plymouth Choir Rehearsal
WNL Adult Programs:
March 26, April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 6:15-7:30pm, Mayflower Hall. Led by Jessica Jewell, Yoga Together Lincoln. All ages and abilities including beginners are welcome. Bring a yoga mat.
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Love Your Neighbor series
March 26, April 2, 9, 6:15-7:30pm, Chapel
In a time of increasing division and polarization, this series offers a refreshing, biblically grounded perspective on one of the most central commands in the Christian faith. This series invites participants to explore the timeless message of loving your neighbor—a message that remains as relevant today as it was in ancient time. Designed to inspire, challenge, and equip you to live out the radical love Jesus calls us to, fostering deeper relationships with our neighbors and working toward healing in our communities. Over the course of these sessions, we will dive into key questions that challenge and inspire us to live out this command more fully in our daily lives
March 26: Review of Immigration Laws in U.S. Policy
Understanding the legal landscape is crucial for being informed advocates for immigrant neighbors. Explore the history, the present-day realities, and the implications of these policies on individuals and communities.
April 2: What Do You or a Neighbor Do if ICE Knocks on Your Door?
What rights do individuals have when facing the presence of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)? Learn practical guidance on what to do to ensure safety and due process.
April 9: Immigration . . . What About the Children?
Learn tools and strategies for advocating on behalf of immigrant neighbors. We will discuss the importance of staying informed, understanding legal rights, and learning how to effectively resist harmful policies.