Love. First-Plymouth
SANCTUARY WORSHIP Saturday 5:30pm | Sunday 8:15am (Pilgrim Hall), 9:00am, 10:30am, 11:59am, (20th & D St)
FP SOUTH Sunday 9:30am (S. 40th & Yankee Hill)
DIGITAL WORSHIP Sunday 9:00am Livestreams 10:30am, 11:59am

Heaven and Hell Revised
An exploration of C.S. Lewsi's novel "The Great Divorce"
Everything Bids You Stay
This week we return to C.S. Lewis' heaven and encounter another spirit in conversation with a ghost. This time the bitterness, resentments, and angers that makes hell possible attempt to challenge heaven's reality.
Spoiler alert: it does not work. Join us Sunday to hear about how we can experience heaven right here on earth.
Sat 5:30pm | Sun 8:15am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 11:59am
Sun 10:30 & 11:59am Livestream
Hell Revised with Dr. Jim Keck
Sun 9:30am FP South (Ropers and Sons South Chapel) | Sun 9:00am Digital

Care & Support
First-Plymouth is a loving, caring congregation. We offer support through difficult times along life’s journey. If you or a loved one would appreciate some pastoral support, we encourage you to let us know through our Care Connection.
First-Plymouth is an architectural icon. But a closer look reveals incredible artistic details, each with its own purpose and story. Artistry is part of the spirit at First-Plymouth—Music, community works, commissioned art—are all an important part of our mission.
Outreach & Social Justice
First-Plymouth touches thousands of lives each week with the good news of Jesus Christ. From local community support (Meals-On-Wheels, Matt Talbot, etc.) to international mission trips, our congregation strives to meet the needs of our community and our world.
First-Plymouth is a church that strives to live the depth and beauty of the historic Christian faith, while being radically inclusive and open-minded. Spirituality, beautiful music, mysticism, social justice, and the life of the mind all blend together in this spiritual community whose mission is to “increase the love of God and neighbor.”