Introduction to Meditation
6:00-6:50pm, Chapel. Led by Jason Padilla, Lincoln Zen Center.
Mindfulness meditation is a practice that grounds us and helps us find peace, meaning, tranquility during our busy lives. Learn basic practice instructions, a few rounds of meditation, and time for questions. Mindfulness is open to everyone and can be done by simply sitting in a chair for just a few minutes. Register with
Compline Worship
7:00-7:30pm, Sanctuary Ancient Worship for the modern soul.
Following the meditation session, at 7:00pm all are invited to gather in the church sanctuary to sit quietly and allow an experience of deep inner peace through Compline. No words are spoken, and participants are given an opportunity to light a candle as a personal act of prayer. Chanting of ancient music by the Schola Cantorum choir provide the only sound during this half-hour service.