Herald Newsletter

Events & Announcements

WNL Resumes January 15

In the midst of your busy week, join us to refuel your body, mind, and spirit with a variety of children, youth, and adult programs.

FP Kids (K-5th) & Littles (0-4)

January is dedicated to Christian Advocacy! Let’s unite in purpose as we engage in projects that answer God’s call to extend compassion to those in need.

Middle School Youth Group (6th-8th)

Bring a Friend and meet in the gym for games, community, and 10 Minute Talks.  

Adult Programs: Contact Addie Vortherms, Program Director, addie@firstplymouth.org

New Year, New Season, New Beginnings!

Jan 15, 6:15-7:30pm, Pilgrim Hall. Led by Pastor KJ Langlais. It is always easy to come up with a list of New Year resolutions; however, more difficult to change our attitude and approach towards the opportunity for a fresh start in life. What does it mean to let go of the past, and seize the opportunity to start a New Year with a fresh outlook on life?  Come, and let us explore together new ways and new beginnings for this New Year.

We Can Make a Difference!

Jan 15, 6:15-7:30pm, Chapel. Join former State Senator Patty Pansing Brooks and lobbyist Eric Gerrard to learn how to effectively advocate for issues you care about. They’ll discuss how to contact elected officials and what to say, testifying at hearings, writing letters to the editor, using social media, and more. Help shape our community and state by sharing your thoughts on the many issues on the table in 2025. Whether you care about hunger, environment, voting rights, health care access, public school funding, LGBTQ+, immigration or more, learn the skills you need to advocate for your beliefs! Sponsored by FP Bread for the World and Climate Action Team ministries.


Jan 15, 22, 29, 6:15-7:30pm, Mayflower Hall. Led by Jessica Jewell, Yoga Together Lincoln. All ages and abilities including beginners are welcome. Bring a yoga mat.

Developing the Gift of Empathy

Jan 22, 6:15-7:30pm, Chapel. Presented by FP Stephen Ministers. We often listen with our heads, ready to respond with our thoughts. In this session, you will learn how to listen with your heart and develop the tools of empathy so needed today in work, families, friendships, and faith communities.

Love Your Neighbor series

Wed Jan 22 - Feb 26, 6:15-7:30pm, Pilgrim Hall

In a time of increasing division and polarization, this series offers a refreshing, biblically grounded perspective on one of the most central commands in the Christian faith. This series invites participants to explore the timeless message of loving your neighbor—a message that remains as relevant today as it was in ancient time. Designed to inspire, challenge, and equip you to live out the radical love Jesus calls us to, fostering deeper relationships with our neighbors and working toward healing in our communities. Over the course of these sessions, we will dive into key questions that challenge and inspire us to live out this command more fully in our daily lives

Jan 22: What Does Loving Your Neighbor Mean?

Let’s unpack the meaning of “love” as described in the Bible. What does it look like to love our neighbors in practical, actionable ways?

Jan 29: Who is My Neighbor?

Who qualifies as a “neighbor” in our community? Pastor JC will guide participants through an engaging exercise to expand our understanding of who we are called to love.

Feb 5: Review of Immigration Laws in U.S. Policy

Understanding the legal landscape is crucial for being informed advocates for immigrant neighbors. Explore the history, the present-day realities, and the implications of these policies on individuals and communities.

Feb 12: What Do You or a Neighbor Do if ICE Knocks on Your Door?

What rights do individuals have when facing the presence of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)? Learn practical guidance on what to do to ensure safety and due process.

Feb 19: Methods to Protect Immigrant Neighbors: Resistance and Advocacy

Learn tools and strategies for advocating on behalf of immigrant neighbors. We will discuss the importance of staying informed, understanding legal rights, and learning how to effectively resist harmful policies.

Feb 26 Loving God, Loving Neighbor: What the Bible Says and What Do We Do Now?

As we conclude the series, we will reflect on the relevance of Jesus’ teachings today. What does it mean to love your neighbor in the midst of today’s cultural and political challenges? How can we practically embody love in a world that is often marked by division and conflict? Together, we will explore how to move from understanding to action, answering the call to love with intention, humility, and grace.

Poetry in the Biblical World

Jan 29-Feb 19, 6:15-7:30pm, Chapel. Led by Dr. Jonathan Redding, Nebr. Wesleyan Univ.

When we want to know what a society was like, really like, we don’t look to artifacts or stories of war. We read their poetry. Join Dr. Redding dive deep into Poetry of the Ancient World. We will start with poetry of the ancient levant (Egypt, Mesopotamia, and others) to set up a discussion about poetry in the Hebrew Bible. These writings tell us about the heart and soul of who wrote them, and in analyzing these poems we can better understand what it means to be human then and now.

 Events & Announcements

Board of Christian Outreach News

In December, the Giving Tree collected over $2,000 in gift cards, 25 boxes of diapers and pull-ups, and 3 trunks full of gifts for “Women are Sacred” (a program of St. Monica’s and the Indian Center) and for the Afghan Refugee family that is sponsored by FP. 

The New FP App is now Available

Stay connected, inspired, and involved with First-Plymouth Church wherever you go! Our brand-new app is designed to bring all the spiritual and community resources you love directly to your fingertips.

Grief Support

  • Tues. Jan 21 (Feb 17, Mar 17), 6:00-7:30pm, Tower Room. Led by Lisa Borchardt, LCSW.

  • 2nd Friday (Jan 10) 3:00pm, Calvert Parlor. Group led.

NEW! Caregivers Support

Meeting: Group will begin again in the new year on the second Tuesday of each month (Jan 14), 6:00pm in Room 209. Email Terri Marti with any questions at martiterri@gmail.com or Rebel Umphlett at r.umphlett@yahoo.com.

NEW! Adoption Triad Sharing Group

Jan 16, 6:30pm at FP. Open to persons who may be a birth parent of an adoptee, an adoptee, or an adoptive parent are welcome. Contact Dori Bush, dbush2508@gmail.com.

Lenten Devotional Book  

First-Plymouth Church is looking for volunteers to write a brief reflection for the 2025 Lenten Devotional Booklet. Please consider offering your voice, anyone can write for the booklet. For details, contact Dale Hauptmeier at dale.hauptmeier@gmail.com or text/call (402) 429-1371.  

Make a New Year’s Resolution to Get Involved at Church

Help make First-Plymouth a welcoming place for all who attend. Greeters and Ushers needed for Sunday morning worship services.  Contact lana@firstplymouth.org

Sponsor 2025 Altar Flowers

Sign-up on firstplymouth.org/events-calendar - COST $95

Indigenous Working Group

Monthly Meetings: 2nd Thursday of the month (Jan 9), 5:00pm, Otis Young Room.

Join the Zambia Team

Church Members and others are working hard to support and fund a 5-year plan to continue the Zambia Nutrition Project into the future.  FP is supporting this project financially and we have volunteers who are helping in this process. There are a variety of activities that can make our work successful.  We work with the Lincoln East Rotary Foundation to administrate the project. Contact Shari McCright sharimccright4@gmail.com or anna.c.nothstine@gmail.com  for information as to how you may participate in the project.

Nourish Our Future

A Campaign to End Child Hunger. Join Bread for the World for the launch of a new advocacy campaign to impact child hunger and malnutrition. Learn about the national legislative priorities to be pursued, why they matter for children, and what you can do to make a difference. February 4, 6:00pm. Register today or go to qrco.de/nourishourfuture.

Tips from the FP Sustainability: Committee and Climate Action Team

First-Plymouth recycles and composts to reduce landfill build up.  Composting is converting plant based material (food scraps, grass, leaves) into fertilizer for soil and plants. Use the GREEN bins at F-P.  Recycling is converting waste items (plastic, metal, glass) into new products.  Use the BLUE bins at F-P.

Plymouth Pride Upcoming Events

  • Jan 24 – Christmas in January

  • Feb 21 – Movie Night

Watch your email for details closer to the dates. If you are not receiving our emails but would like to, let us know at FirstPlymouthPride@gmail.com.

Around and About for Young Adults

SOUP DAY: Jan 26, 12:30-1:30pm, Mayflower Café.  

College students and young adults, come warm up with us at Soup Day! Whether you bring your favorite soup to share or simply come to enjoy some delicious food and good company, all are welcome.