Herald Newsletter

Events & Announcements

In the midst of your busy week, join us to refuel your body, mind, and spirit with a variety of children, youth, and adult programs.

FP Kids (K-5th) & Littles (0-4)

Focus on exploring emotions with the theme “Loving God from the Inside Out.”

Middle School Youth Group (6th-8th)

Bring a friend and meet in the gym for games, community, and 10 Minute Talks. 

ART Club | Wednesdays, 5:00-6:00pm

Join Lisa at the new time as part of WNL. Art for all ages!

Adult Programs: Contact Addie Vortherms, Program Director, addie@firstplymouth.org

Unicameral Bills and What We (or You?) Can Do About Them

March 19, 6:15-7:30pm, Chapel. Led by Eric Savaiano, Nebraska Appleseed Program Manager, Food and Nutrition Access, Economic Justice. Sponsored by Bread for the World ministry at FP.

The Unicameral is in the stage of debating and passing bills into law. Although committee hearings have concluded, we citizens, “The Second House,” have an active role to play in communicating our desires to lawmakers. Eric Savaiano will provide clarity on several bills with a focus on food insecurity, noting ramifications if they become law. Learn how to best convey your opinions and knowledge to senators. Remember, our faith directs our actions. Please bring non-perishable food items to donate. Goal: collect 100 pounds of food! 

40 Days 4 Pastors: Lenten Bible Study

Wed. March 19-April 9, 6:15-7:30pm, Pilgrim Hall. Led by Dr. Jim Keck and Rev. Juan Carlos Huertas.

Join others in hearing the ancient story in new ways and deepen your Lenten journey.


March 19, 26, 6:15-7:30pm, Mayflower Hall. Led by Jessica Jewell, Yoga Together Lincoln. All ages and abilities including beginners are welcome. Bring a yoga mat.

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Love Your Neighbor series:

Wed March 26-April 9, 6:15-7:30pm, Sanctuary

In a time of increasing division and polarization, this series offers a refreshing, biblically grounded perspective on one of the most central commands in the Christian faith. This series invites participants to explore the timeless message of loving your neighbor—a message that remains as relevant today as it was in ancient time. Designed to inspire, challenge, and equip you to live out the radical love Jesus calls us to, fostering deeper relationships with our neighbors and working toward healing in our communities. Over the course of these sessions, we will dive into key questions that challenge and inspire us to live out this command more fully in our daily lives.

March 26: Review of Immigration Laws in U.S. Policy

Understanding the legal landscape is crucial for being informed advocates for immigrant neighbors. Explore the history, the present-day realities, and the implications of these policies on individuals and communities. Panelists: Kevin Ruser, UNL College of Law; Raul Guerra, Immigration Attorney. Moderated by Pastor Juan Carlos Huertas.

April 2: What to do if ICE Knocks on Your/Neighbors Door?

What rights do individuals have when facing the presence of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)? Learn practical guidance on what to do to ensure safety and due process. Panelists: representatives from ACLU Nebraska (American Civil Liberties Union), and CIRA (Center for Immigrant and Refugee Advancement), moderated by Kevin Ruser, UNL College of Law.

April 9: Immigration . . . What About the Children?

Learn tools and strategies for advocating on behalf of immigrant neighbors. We will discuss the importance of staying informed, understanding legal rights, and learning how to effectively resist harmful policies. Panelists: representatives from CEDARS, Las Abejitas Bilingual Education Center, and Community Action Head Start. Moderated by Pastor Juan Carlos Huerrtas.

 Events & Announcements

When to Ask for a Stephen Minister?

Long, darker days can lead to spinning thoughts bottled up inside. Uncertainty in our lives and our country can bring feelings of fear and anxiety. Stephen Ministers are available to listen, reflect, and support you. Having a confidential time to talk once a week with someone could make a difference in your life. If you are having a difficult time, please contact Pastor KJ Langlais at kj@firstPlymouth.org and request a Stephen Minister. 

Grief Support

  • Tues. Mar 18, 6:00-7:30pm, Tower Room. Led by Lisa Borchardt, LCSW. Zoom option available – email addie@firstplymouth.org for link.

  • 2nd Friday (Mar 14) 3:00pm, Calvert Parlor. Group led.

Caregivers Support Meeting

2nd Tuesday monthly (March 11), 6:00pm in Room 209. Caregiver support groups provide emotional support for individuals who care for family members or loved ones with chronic illnesses, disabilities, or aging-related conditions. Caregivers can share their experiences, gain insight, and connect with others facing similar challenges.

Contact martiterri@gmail.com or r.umphlett@yahoo.com with questions.

Adoption Triad Sharing Group

March 20, 6:30pm at FP. Open to persons who may be a birth parent of an adoptee, an adoptee, or an adoptive parent are welcome. Contact Dori Bush, dbush2508@gmail.com.

Indigenous Working Group

2nd Thursday monthly (March 13), 5:00pm, Room 211 upstairs.

Give up Carbon for Lent

Tips from the FP Sustainability Committee and Climate Action Team

Take action during Lent to reduce your carbon footprint. Beginning March 1,  get the 2025 carbon fast at http://saintpaulumc.org/climate-justice. Or text “Carbon” to 97000 now to get daily texts with carbon action items starting Ash Wednesday.

Pickleball at FP

Join us for Pickleball! Tuesdays, 5:30-7:00pm, gym. Enter from the East parking lot

Grape Expectations Church Social

Fri. March 21, 6:30-8:30pm at Judy & Terry Dougherty’s home. A great way to meet others who attend First-Plymouth. Bring an appetizer and beverage (most bring wine) to share. RSVP for directions to judydougherty1@gmail.com.

Plymouth Pride St. Patrick’s Day Party

Game night and desserts! Fri. March 21, 6:30pm in Pilgrim hall. RSVP to FirstPlymouthPride@gmail.com. 

Spring Church Grounds Cleanup

Volunteers needed:

  • April 5, 9:00 – 11:00am

  • April 12, 9:00 – 11:00am

  • April 18, 9:30 – 11:00 am

All dates, weather permitting. Please bring garden tools/gloves. For more details contact ccrellin@neb.rr.com

Tuesday Morning Bible Study

Tuesdays, 9:30-11:00am, Calvert Parlor. Led by Carolyn Zeisset.

March 4, 18-25: Enigmas in the Apocrypha. Compare differing viewpoints in books written between the Old & New Testaments, their influence on New Testament writers, and similarities with different viewpoints today. Mar. 11: Book of Esther & Purim festival. 

Thursday Bible Study with Jim Keck

Thursdays, Noon-1:00pm, Choir Room. Led by Dr. Jim Keck.

Around and About for Young Adults

Contact tori@firstplymouth.org for more information.

Young Adults Book Club: Meets the 1st Tuesday monthly. The perfect way to get to know your community and to read a good book! 

Rev. Juan Carlos to be Keynote Speaker

CenterPointe, the leading mental health and addiction recovery provider in Lincoln, will be featuring Pastor Juan Carlos Huertas as one of the keynote speakers at the 2025 Strong Communities Luncheon on April 8, 11:30am-1:00pm at Embassy Suites (1040 P St). Other distinguished speakers will be Willie Miller, former Nebraska Huskers fullback and Daisy Award-winning nurse, and will honor the 32 year legacy of the outgoing President and CEO, Topher Hansen.

If you are interested in attending, tickets may be purchased at centerpointe.org.


Save the Date for the Pet Blessing

Annual Pet Blessing will be Sunday, June 1 at the 11:59 service. Mark your calendars now! If you’re interested in joining F-P Pet Ministry group, contact the church office.

We Need Your Help: Join Our New Welcome Team!

At First-Plymouth Church, we have always prided ourselves on being a warm and welcoming community. However, due to the size and layout of our building and the variety of services we offer, we recognize that it can sometimes be challenging to greet visitors, assist families in finding Sunday school classes, help guests find their seats, or even share a cup of coffee in conversation. That’s where we need your support.

We are excited to announce the formation of a new, unified Welcome Team that will bring together our ushers, greeters, and first-welcome team members. This team will play an essential role in ensuring that every visitor and congregant feels embraced and at home, whether you greet them at the door, assist at the Welcome Table, or help with the offertory.

What makes this opportunity truly special? As part of the Welcome Team, you’ll work alongside a group of dedicated and supportive individuals, collaborating to make each service a meaningful experience for everyone who walks through our doors.

We’re seeking enthusiastic volunteers to serve at the following times:

9:00AM, 10:30AM, and 11:59AM services

9:30AM at FP South, Roper and Sons South Chapel

Already serving in one of these roles? No problem—this initiative is simply about adding more hands and hearts to strengthen our team.

We want to ensure enough people to cover every service and continue offering a heartfelt welcome to everyone who joins us. Teams will rotate once a month each quarter so that you won’t be serving every week.

We’d love to hear from you if you want to learn more or get involved! Please get in touch with Pastor KJ at kj@firstplymouth.org for more details.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a lasting difference in the lives of our visitors and congregation. We look forward to welcoming you to the team!

Love Your Neighbor: Become a Navigator at the Hope House

This March, First-Plymouth Church is excited to launch The Hope House, a welcoming resource hub designed to connect our neighbors with essential social services. Through this initiative, we aim to provide support, guidance, and practical solutions to those who may be struggling to find the help they need.

As a Hope House Navigator, you’ll play a key role in assisting individuals who reach out—whether by phone, email, or in person—by guiding them to the right resources and providing a listening ear. It’s a wonderful opportunity to make a direct and meaningful impact in our community.

Looking ahead, in the fall of 2025, we will introduce a financial support component. This will include a mutual aid fund to help with basic needs and a micro-loan program to assist neighbors in avoiding predatory payday loans, pawning items, or struggling with transportation costs. This is a chance to empower individuals and families, helping them regain stability and self-sufficiency.

Apply to Become a Navigator

If you are interested in joining this compassionate team, please apply at firstplymouth.org/hopehouse.

Augustana Choir Concert

On Sat. March 22, at 7:00pm., under the direction of Jon Hurty, this 51-voice choir will sing a diverse selection of traditional and contemporary choral works. The Augustana Choir tours nationally and internationally and has been invited to sing at many state and regional conventions. A freewill offering will be taken at the concert.  More information can be found at augustana.edu/music

Between Services Book Group

Sundays, 9:45-10:30am, Tower room. Group led. Contact person: pennylarsen66@gmail.com

Academic Bible Study: The Parts of the Bible

Continues Sundays, March 2-23, 11:30am-12:30pm. Led by Leah Cech.

What are the sections of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, and how is each one connected to different periods in the history of biblical Israel? Join us for a class exploring a “big picture” overview of the different parts of the Bible.

Early Birds Men Discussion

Current discussion on the Golden Age of Islam. Men of all ages are invited to join on Thursdays, 8:00am, in Pilgrim Hall.


Thursday, March 20, 7:00pm, Sanctuary

A mash-up of big ideas, conversation and live music.

Dr. Jim Keck will feature guests to interview on timely and edgy topics of the moment.

Live music from singer-songwriter Orion Walsh.

Childcare available during the program.

Big Ideas | Conversation | Music